Micronized Peas
High quality Micronized Peas. Micronization optimises starch
gelatinisation, disrupts cell walls and can optimize protein
Gelatinised starch has higher rumen by-pass and ileal
digestibility than raw starch; disrupted cell walls allow improved
nutrient access to intestinal enzymes, also affects water holding
capacity and increases gut transit time; improves by-pass protein
without affecting ileal digestibility.
Peas are a source of protein rich sulphur amino acids.
Micronized Peas can improve production parameters and improve feed
conversion due to greater availability of nutrients and a higher
energy than other forms. They can also improve feathering in
Suitable for all classes of animal. Micronized Peas are of
particular use in companion animal diets/ small pets etc.
Suitable for all ages. Levels can be increased for the older